It must have been the book 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil', or all the Hollywood movies, I feel the need to discover more of North America, the heart land. I have no baggage, I have no hang ups. I was born and raised in Italy. I am capable to accepting people of all personalities, as long as they are good people. I believe that in the world the majority of people are of a good nature, and those are the people I want to meet on this trip.
I love to make connections, whether we are soaking in the campground jacuzzi, or waiting in a museum line, or having a beer in a bar. I love a good story.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Day 64 - Charleston: oldest tavern in town, Sullivan's island beach

Rainbow Row

Pineapple fountain

Handsome Dude

Between 3 and 7 pm in the afternoon, this tavern does free testing of whiskey and moonshine. We could not say no to free.

After the liquor, the day was shot. There was no will left to be a tourist. We forced ourselves to check out the remnants of the Fort Moultrie, but we couldn't take it. We visited the surrounding. Good enough! 
The rest of the day we wonder around Sullivan's island beach. Unimpressed... the sand is mixed with black tar, it's wet and packed. Ok it's winter, but Manresa beach in California does not look like this now. We touched the water. Was the first time for Bill in the Atlantic Ocean?

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