It must have been the book 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil', or all the Hollywood movies, I feel the need to discover more of North America, the heart land. I have no baggage, I have no hang ups. I was born and raised in Italy. I am capable to accepting people of all personalities, as long as they are good people. I believe that in the world the majority of people are of a good nature, and those are the people I want to meet on this trip.
I love to make connections, whether we are soaking in the campground jacuzzi, or waiting in a museum line, or having a beer in a bar. I love a good story.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Day 18 - Marfa and Alpine

Today  is Martin Luther King's day and everything is closed.
Bill went on a run and there was a celebration in front of the courthouse and teachers, superintendent, and few students from the local school read speeches from famous people like Dr. King and Angela Davis. When I arrived they were reading 'Beyond Vietnam' by Dr. King. It was a very powerful speech for such a modest town. It was an amazing atmosphere. I was impressed.

In this afternoon we went to visit Alpine, a small town 26 miles west of Marfa.
We walked around a bit but even here everything was closed. On a positive side, the town had many beautiful murals

guns are not allowed in the bank

historical cattle brands

small art galleries/aribnb/cafe'

displayed in an antique shop