It must have been the book 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil', or all the Hollywood movies, I feel the need to discover more of North America, the heart land. I have no baggage, I have no hang ups. I was born and raised in Italy. I am capable to accepting people of all personalities, as long as they are good people. I believe that in the world the majority of people are of a good nature, and those are the people I want to meet on this trip.
I love to make connections, whether we are soaking in the campground jacuzzi, or waiting in a museum line, or having a beer in a bar. I love a good story.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Day 12 - Phoenix to Tucson

Today it was all highways and nothing to report.
FYI, the Spanish name of the city, Tucsón, is derived from the O'odham Cuk Ṣon, meaning "(at the) base of the black [hill]", a reference to a basalt-covered hill now known as Sentinel Peak.

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